“I've been Pat's student for over 5 years, and his guidance has been instrumental in my development as a bass player. I started playing bass in my early thirties and initially found learning a new instrument by myself to be pretty daunting. I was worried about establishing incorrect technique that would require a lot more effort later on to correct. I also wanted to learn how to make the songs I was practicing sound more musical, groovy, and energetic so that maybe one day I could start gigging on the side. I emailed Bass Lessons Unlimited and started taking weekly hour-long lessons with Pat on skype. Since then, each lesson has been a great learning experience. Despite the music lessons being over video chat, Pat has a great ability to see whether my technique is correct to the minutest detail, such as whether I am alternating my fingers consistently when plucking or how I am positioning my hands around the fret board. He also has a great ear for hearing changes in my bass tone overtime. Pat has been playing bass for many years, and thus is extremely knowledgeable about both the instrument and the music. So far, he has helped me play some of my favorite songs in all different genres (for me: funk, slap, rock, and metal), start recognizing scales and key signatures in many songs, improvise grooves, learn music theory, and further understand the mechanics of what makes a great bass tone. All in all, I am getting a great learning experience with a lot of room for creativity.” - Andrew Han